To celebrate these monumental achievements of its students, Kothari International School, Noida organized the most sought-after event of the year ‘The Appreciation Day’.

Every child is unique. Every child is talented. Every child deserves appreciation.
Appreciation is magical. It is that priceless virtue that can mold and transform the lives of our learners for the better. The beauty of appreciation lies in the fact that we all possess it in abundance. All we need to do is learn to give it away to those who put the tiniest efforts into their work and THEN see the real magic: how these small efforts transform into monumental achievements.
To celebrate these monumental achievements of its students, Kothari International School, Noida organized the most sought-after event of the year ‘The Appreciation Day’. Students of Grade 6 were lauded for their hard work and meticulous efforts in the spheres of their interest. Several awards under various categories were bestowed upon them.
The event opened with a serene welcome dance where our adept dancers awed the audience with their dancing finesse, trailed by Shloka Chanting and an Invocation Dance to invoke the blessings of the Almighty. Our proud gathering was welcomed and addressed by Dr Sangeeta Arora, our Principal, a visionary by thoughts and actions.
The event commenced by presenting the Co-scholastic and Sports Awards to our awardees chosen on the basis of their natural flair and aptitude. The splendid array of categories introduced under the Co-scholastic Awards were Oratory Skills, Visual Art, Performing Art, Creative Writing, Tech Wizard, Dramatic Skills, Bibliophile, Good Samaritan, and Super Citizen. Continuing ahead, more award categories like All Rounder, Super Scholar, 100% Attendance, and Subject Proficiency were unfurled, where students were presented with awards based on their subject-wise scholastic geniuses.
The event successfully culminated with our revered Trustee, Dr. Avinash Gupta addressing the talented awardees, their proud parents and grandparents, and the teacher mentors who kindled the spark of excellence in their students and motivated them to reach for the stars.
With great gusto, KIS celebrated the imaginative, innovative, and intellectual minds, and motivated many others to strive for excellence. After the Appreciation Day, students and parents were guided on their way forward to climb the next step on the ladder, Grade 7, through an orientation where the Principal apprised them of the rules, policies, and code of conduct to be taken into account in the upcoming session.