1. For Studies at Kothari International School, Noida
(a) The School is acting under the authority of the Executive Committee of Sharda Mansukhlal Kothari Charitable Trust and will be referred as K.I.S.
(b) The Principal is the person appointed by the Executive Committee of the Trust to assume duties and responsibilities as Principal of the School. The Principal is responsible for the students while in the care of the School, and also includes those to whom any of the responsibilities and duties of the Principal are given by the Executive Committee.
(c) Parents are those whose wards study at the School.
(d) The School’s aim is to strike a balance between academic studies, moral, spiritual and physical education and the pursuit of leisure activities. The School is committed to high standards of teaching and care. Parents are expected to give their support and encouragement to realise these aims and to uphold and promote the good name of the School, to continue the student’s education at home and encourage the student to maintain appropriate standards of discipline, diligence, punctuality, behavior, tidiness and cleanliness; and to conduct themselves in relation to the School and its staff in such a manner that a relationship of trust and confidence between the School and the Parents is maintained at all times.
(e) A progressive and forward-looking school must initiate and respond to change. It is likely that there will be certain changes at the School during the years when the child is a student of KIS. The grant of admission to the School is made on the basis that, in the interest of the School as a whole, changes may be made from time to time to these terms and conditions, to the size and location of the School, to its premises and facilities, to the academic and games curriculum and the structure and composition of classes and the way the School is run, to the length of school terms and the school day and to any other aspect of the School. Fee levels will be reviewed from time to time and there will be such reasonable increases as the Executive Committee may determine.
(f) Decisions taken about all aspects of the School affect the school community as a whole. The School believes that these terms and conditions reflect the traditions and customs, which have existed at independent schools and at this School in particular, over the duration of its existence. The rules given about change, as in para 1. (e), are provided in good faith. They are intended to encourage stability, forward planning and the proper resourcing and development of the School for the benefit of all. Parents will be given reasonable notice, when practicable, of changes that may significantly affect the School Community. Any waiver of the Terms is effective only if stated in writing by the Principal personally. The ethos and principles on which the School is run are reflected in the policies concerning admission, equal opportunities, behaviour and discipline, drugs and substances, expulsion and review.
2. Care and Good Discipline
(a) Parents’ Authority: Parents authorize the Principal and Staff to whom the supervision of students has been delegated while in loco parents to take and/or authorize in good faith all decisions that safeguard and promote the welfare and proper education of the Students. Parents consent to such physical contact as may be lawful, appropriate and proper for teaching and appropriate to provide comfort to pupil in distress or to maintain safety and good order. (Corporal punishment is not used). As the School provides first aid facilities only, parents consent to emergency medical treatment (including general anaesthesia) at a private hospital, as certified by a doctor may be necessary for the safety of the student and if a parent cannot be contacted in time. However, every effort would be made to contact the parent in such circumstances. Parents should consent to the conduct of routine medical examinations by the School Doctor.
(b) Academics: Teachers are the best judge to assess student’s academic strengths and weakness. It is obligatory for the student to follow advice, instructions and do all that is necessary to improve academic performance as required. Parents must also adhere to suggestions made by teachers to ensure their ward’s academic progress and regular attendance.
(c) Health: Parents must inform the Principal in writing if the student has any known medical condition/ disability or health problem or is unable to take part in physical education or sporting activities or has been in contact with infectious diseases. The student must not be sent to School if unfit to attend or is suffering from any serious contagious disease. The School will endeavour to look after the Student in the event of any emergency health problem during school hours. However, the School will not be responsible for any consequences that may arise during the course of such emergency treatment.
(d) Meals: All students are required to have meals as organized by the School.
(e) Attendance: The Student is expected to take full part in the activities of the School, to attend on each school day, to work hard to the best of his/her ability and to be well-behaved. Parents agree to observe the term/vacation dates which will normally be published in advance.
(f) The School Almanac: Each student at the beginning of academic year of the School is supplied with a copy of the School Almanac giving information about the staff and student role, scheduled events, holidays and the School Code of Conduct. All students and parents are required to abide by the code.
(g) Conduct of the Student: Students are expected to behave with respect and good manners to those whom they meet both in School and in the community and to show a proper respect for the environment. The Principal is responsible for the care and good discipline of students while they are in the charge of the School or its staff and for the day to day running of the School and the curriculum. Students reprimanded for indiscipline are required to follow the corrective measures on the day it is assigned or as decided by the school discipline committee.
(h) Liability: The Principal, Staff, and all others engaged by the School to conduct various School activities, during and after school hours, including out of School activities will take all reasonable steps to provide a safe and a secure environment for all students who participate in its activities. However, the School shall not be responsible for loss, damages for personal injury, sickness, death, or property damage which the student may sustain or which may occur accidentally as a result of his / her participation in School activities. The School is not responsible in any way for any mishaps or undesirable acts of the Student outside the School campus.
3. Admission to the School
(a) Admissions: Subject to vacancy, the School will give to a student as per its norms; a time bound admission to its Pre-Primary Section as also following verification of age and physical fitness as per the School’s standards. Grant of Admission to Grade 1-12 will be, in addition, subject to acceptable previous School Report and a successful outcome in the Entrance Interaction. To secure the admission, parents must return the School’s Application Form duly completed and signed, along with supporting documents and pay the fees/deposits on or before the date declared by the School, after which the admission shall be deemed withdrawn. Admission is confirmed only when the School receives the duly completed and signed Admission Form, along with supporting documents and the fees/deposits have been paid.
(b) Registration : A student granted admission will be registered on completion of the Student’s Registration Form which entails payment of a registration fee, verification of submitted documents, submission of photographs, certified physical fitness certificate, certified copy of the student annual evaluation of the last class attended and examination passed and acceptance of these terms.
(c) Aadhar Card: CBSE on directions from Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology has made it mandatory for CBSE affiliated schools to maintain the “Aadhar Number (UID- Unique Identification) of all the students. Parents are requested to get their wards registered for the same and provide the Aadhar number to school. Foreign National students are required to be registered with FRO (Foreign Nationals Registration Office) or have a valid OCI (Overseas Citizen of India) card or PIO card.
(d) Fees & Deposit: Admission Fee is not refundable once paid. On application, Tuition and other Fees, as paid, on grant of admission are partially refunded as per School’s Refund Policy. Deposits, if taken, are refunded by cheque without interest less any sundry outstanding charges or balances due to the School after the student has left the School.
4. Composite Fee, Other Fees & Extras
(a) Items covered: Composite fee covers the cost of providing Education to the child. Fees are charged separately which covers the additional academic and co-curricular activities; value added programmes, certain stationery etc. Other expenses incurred by costumes, certain books/ journals/ and stationery shall be paid as extra by the concerned students. Damage or loss of school property by the student also shall be paid as an extra charge.
(b) Fee payment Schedule & Description:
Fee is payable into Kothari International School, account on annual basis /quarterly basis / monthly basis
a) On Annual basis on or before 10th day of April 2021 with 5% discount.
b) On Quarterly basis on or before 10th day of every quarter (10th April, 10th July, 10th October, 10th January 2022)
c) On Monthly basis on or before 10th day of every month (only during School Lockdown time.)
(c) Mode of Payment
(c) (i) The Fee can be paid through Online Fee Payment option on our School website: www.kotharischool.edu.in
(c) (ii) By Mobile app:
a) Go to Play store or App store.
b) Search the campus care app and install/get it.
c) Type the URL: – Kothari.campuscare.info and click on verify.
d) Enter the user id and password if you have, otherwise click on forgot password. Enter the registered mobile number and click on confirm. You will see the name of your ward, again click on confirm. By this way you will get the user id and password through SMS. Now enter the user id and password.
e) On homepage you will see the option of fee payment, click it. After
f) Now you will see the Parent’s name, Email id, Mobile No. and Address. If all the information is correct then click on pay.
g) Enter Card no., Expiry date of card and CVV no. and click on pay.
h) You will receive the OTP. Enter the OTP and click on pay.
(c) (iii) By Campus care Portal :
a) Go to Chrome and Firefox.
b) Type the url:- Kothari.campuscare.info
c) Enter the user id and password if you have, otherwise click on forgot password. Enter the registered mobile number and click on confirm. You will see the name of your ward, again click on confirm. By this way you will get the user id and password through SMS. Now enter the user id and password.
d) On the left side you will see the option of online payment, click it. After entering in online payment, installment fee will be visible on your screen, check the box and click on proceed.
e) Now you will see the Parent’s name, Email id, Mobile No. and Address. If all the information is correct, then click on pay.
f) Enter Card no., Expiry date of card and CVV no. and click on pay.
g) You will receive the OTP, enter the OTP and click on pay.
Please sent mail with HDFC Payment gateway details to school email id – accounts@kotharischool.edu.in to help update the fee account.
(c) (iv) It can also be paid through RTGS/ NEFT. Details for fund transfer are: HDFC savings account, Account Number- 07281450000101, IFSC Code: HDFC0000728, Sector 50 Branch, Noida. Please send mail with online payment details to school at accounts@kotharischool.edu.in to help update the fee account.
(c) (v) School fee can be deposited via cheque / draft accompanied with the Fee slip, in the
account section of the school, between 9:00 am to 11:30 am, 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm (Monday to Friday). Cheque / Draft should be drawn in favour of “Kothari International School”. Kindly mention the Name, Grade/Section, and Admission Number of your ward along with your contact number on the reverse side of the cheque / draft.
a) Outstation cheques will not be accepted.
b) In case the cheque is dishonored by the bank, bank charges of Rs.500 will be charged.
c) If fee remains unpaid, a late fee of Rs.100 per day would be added from the 11th day. School fee paid after the due date will be accepted with late fee only through a demand draft paid to school accounts office during the hours mentioned above.
d) If the 10th of any month happens to be a non-working day then the day gets extended to the next working day.
e) If the fee remains unpaid for 20 days after the last date, the student will be excluded from the school or examinations or use of the school facilities.
f) If the student thereafter desires to rejoin the School, student should reapply to join the school, he / she will be considered as a new admission by paying admission fee.
g) Payment for extra Services: The school is an agent only in respect of any goods and services, which are supplied by a third party via the School to parents or students. Fees will not be refunded or waived for absence through sickness; nor if a term is shortened or a vacation extended; nor if food has not been consumed; or for any other cause.
h) Responsibility of payment: Paying fees is the joint responsibility of each person who has signed the admission form. The school may withhold information; property or examination certificates while fees are unpaid. The school may recover any other administrative and bank charges, or any incurred legal costs, will be charged on fees, fees in lieu of notice and extras that are unpaid by the due date. Such charges will be recoverable by legal action, if necessary.
i) Sibling: 25% Discount in Admission Fee for 1st Sibling & 30% Discount in 2nd Sibling, 10% Discount in Security fee for Siblings & Consolidated Discount on Composite Annual Fee for Siblings.
6. Notice of Cancellation / Withdrawal / Removal Fees in Lieu of Notice
(a) Notice means a calendar month’s written notice in person or acknowledgment to the e-mail address of the School by both the parents/guardians who have signed the admission form will suffice. Provisional Notice for any purpose is valid only for the term in which it is given and only when written and accepted in writing by the Principal. Quarter means a period of three months, basis on which fees is collected. Fees in lieu means fees in full for the term of notice at the rate that would have applied had the student attended and not limited to any contribution in the case of a scholarship/ free ship.
(b) Withdrawal: In all cases, except at the end of the Grade 12, a calendar months’ notice must be given before a student is withdrawn. Failure to provide the requisite notice will result in payment (or become adjustable against any balance with the School) of fees for the full succeeding month in lieu becoming due and payable as a debt and may be charged at any time after withdrawal, whether or not the place can be filled.
(c) Cancellation: No notice fee will be charged if the T.C. has been applied before or 31st March i.e. close of the session, Otherwise the student will be treated as regular student and fee will be charged till the date of application of the T.C. is received.
(d) Removal : Parents may be required, following one calendar months’ notice in writing from the School; to remove a student permanently after consultation with the Parents, in the situations written here but not limited to; if the Principal is of the opinion that the student is not making sufficient progress to warrant his/her remaining at the School; or his/her conduct is unsatisfactory and the conduct of the Parents is or has been such that the relationship of trust and confidence which should exist between the School and the Parents has broken down. The School will not be liable to refund any fees to the Parents unless all outstanding dues have been paid in full.
(e) Expulsion: The student may be expelled at any time if the conduct of a parent of the student (whether on or off school premises or in or out of term time), the Principal is reasonably satisfied that such conduct has been prejudicial to good order or school discipline or to the reputation of the School or if for some other reason the continued presence of the student is incompatible.
With the interests of the school, the Principal will act fairly in accordance with the procedures of natural justice and would not expel a student other than in grave circumstances. There would be not refund of fees in these circumstances and all outstanding fees and charges for the quarter must be paid but fees in lieu of notice would not be charged.
(f) Other events requiring notice: To discontinue any extra activity / services like Bus or after school activities if any, a calendar month`s written notice is required, failure to give such advance warning will result in payment of full charges becoming payable in lieu. The school may terminate this agreement on one term`s notice and otherwise under clause 5 (d) and 5 € above.
(g) Withdrawal from and educational outstation tour arranged by the school will require a minimum notice period of 7 days and will entail of forfeiture of 75% of amount payable for the tour.
6. General Conditions
(a) Special precautions: The Principal must be notified in writing immediately of any court orders or situations of risk in relation to a student for whom any special safety precautions may be needed. A parent may not be allowed to enter the school premises if the Principal, acting properly, consider such exclusion to be in the best interests of the students or of the school.
(b) Absence of Parents: When both parents temporarily away from their home overnight during term time, half-term or occasional holidays the Principal must be informed in writing of the name, address and telephone number/s for 24-hour contact of suitable legal guardian or other adult with whom the student will reside when not at school and who is willing and authorized by the parents to accept full responsibility for the student in all circumstances.
(c) Concerns / Complaints: Parents who have cause for concern for any matter including matters of safety, case or quality of education must inform the Principal in writing without delay. The Parents and the school will be expected to resolve any dispute between them in co-operation with each other and good faith.
(d) Special learning difficulties: The school shall notify parents if a situation may need extra support or should be and education psychologist for a formal diagnosis. The school has counsellors and is able to advise parents as to how they may, at their own expense, obtain specialist advice or specialist support; but the school staff is not qualified to make a medical diagnosis of conditions such as those commonly referred to as dyslexia or other learning difficulties. Parents will be asked to withdraw a student if, in the opinion of the Principal, the school cannot provide adequately for a student`s special education needs.
(e) Medical supervision: Before entering the school the student must be immunized against DPT (Diphtheria, Pertusis (Whooping Cough, Tetanus) Poliomyelitis, hepatitis A & B, TB and MMR (Mumps, Measles, Rubella). The school require a medical certificateas to the general health of the student or (where ground to the suspicion exit) make arrangements to test for illegal substances; parents would always be informed. The school Counsellor, member of the staff or a medical practitioner acting conscientiously and in accordance with their code of professional ethics, may inform the Principal or a parent in confidence of any matter which in their opinion is material to the safety and well-being of the student and/or others.
(f) Confidentiality: The school will take care to preserve the confidentiality of information concerning the student and parents. The parents, however, consent on behalf of themselves and the student to the school (through the Principal as the person responsible), obtaining, holding, using and communicating on a need-to-know basis, confidential information which, in the opinion of the Principal is material to the safety and welfare of the student and others, The parents consent to the School`s communicating with any other school or college, which the student attends, or which a parent proposes the student should attended about any matter concerning the pupil or payment of fees, whether or not the information passing is also held in machine-readable form.
(g) Examinations, Reports and References: The school will register a student for an examination only if the Principal is satisfied that such is in the best interests of the student. Information supplied to parents and others concerning the progress of a student and character, examination, further education and career prospects of the student and any references will be given conscientiously and with all due care but otherwise without liability on the part of the School.
(h) Intellectual Property: The school reserves all rights and interests in any intellectual property rights arising as a result of the actions of a student in conjunction with any member of staff of the school and/or other students at the school for a purpose associated with the school. Any use of such intellectual property rights by a student is subject to the terms license to be agreed prior to the use between the student, the student`s parents and the school. The school will allow the student`s role in creation/development of intellectual property to be acknowledged.
(i)Photography, Video Clips: Photographs of students will be used in maintaining school records, and/or in the promotion of the school programmes in newspapers, slide shows, or other media.
(j) Prospectus: The prospectus describes the broad principles on which the School is currently run and gives some details of its history and ethos. The prospectus is not part of any agreement between the parents and the school and documents supplied in the pocket inside the back cover are not part of the prospectus, although, believed correct at the time of printing, certain statements may be out of date from time to time. Parents wishing to place specific reliance on a statement in the prospectus should seek written confirmation of that statement before accepting admission to the school.
(k) Safety Drills: It is obligatory for all students to participate in safety drills which the school considers necessary or as required by law or as expedient to safety and well being of all students.
(l) Interpretation: These terms and conditions supersede those in the prospectus and elsewhere and will be constructed as a whole. Heading are for ease of reading only and are not otherwise part of the terms and conditions. Any waiver is effective only if given in writing by the Principal personally.
(m) Bullying and Ragging: Bullying is strictly prohibited inside the school premises and no such act will go unnoticed or unpunished. The anti-bullying committee will regularly review prevention plans, programmes and constantly be very vigilant and proactive.
(n) Restrictions on entry to the School: No employee or Visitor is allowed in the School premises carrying Arms, Ammunition or Explosives that may pose threat to the security of the students. The Principal reserves the right to ask any suspicious person to go through a body search by the School Security and may be asked to vacate the school premises.
(o) Birthday Celebration: The student can bring small size chocolate/ toffee for their classmates. Cakes or expensive gift distribution is not allowed. The student may wear decent coloured clothes on that day (K-5 only).
(p) E-newsletter and Magazine: The School e-newsletter, published every quarter, provides a continuing dialogue between the home and school. Through the newsletter we will keep you posted about new developments in classroom activities. The newsletter also showcases the talent of our students by publishing poems, stories and artworks created by them. It will also give a complete update about the performance of our students at different platforms and felicitate their outstanding achievements, awards, trophies and other laurels won by our students. The e-newsletter is uploaded on the School’s Website.
(q) Meals on Campus: Healthy and nutritious meals are served on the campus. The best quality milk and vegetables are used to prepare vegetarian meals in hygienic kitchens of the school cafeteria. The menu offers wholesome meals including green vegetables as advised by the School Dietician.
(r) Transport Facility: The school offer the transport facility for all students in order to develop community travelling habit amongst the students i.e. the citizen of tomorrow.
- A student will board the allotted buses only and no change of the bus route will be entertained henceforth.
- Bus users will be allowed to get off the bus at allotted stop only if the escort with the Authorization Card is present; else they will be brought back to the school.
- A written application should be submitted with the school if the parent wants the student to get off the bus without an escort. The permission will be granted only upon approval from the Principal.
- Parents/Guardian is expected to co-operate with the School by ensuring that their ward travelling by the School Transport reports to the allotted Bus Stop well in time.
- Students travelling by school transport must maintain proper discipline or else the transport would be withdrawn with immediate effect.
- Parents/Guardian are expected to show their “Parents Authorization Card” before picking up their ward from the bus stop. In case they fail to do so, the student will be taken back to the School.
- Due care should be taken not to damage the interiors of the bus.
- In case of change in permanent address, the same should be informed to the Administrative Officer.
- A written request from the parent with approval from the School Management is required in case the student needs to be dropped at a different destination.
- Only bus users will be allowed to use school transport during any School function.
(s) Identity /Authorization Card for the session 2020-21:
- Each student would be issued an Identity Card /Authorization Card.
- It is mandatory to carry the valid Authorization Card, displaying the photo of the person carrying the card every time they visit the school.
- The student will be handed over to the Parents/ Guardian on showing the valid Authorization Card only.
(t) Beyond School Hours Activities:
- The students have been provided with ‘Saturday Activity / Beyond School Hours Activity Authorization Cards.
- It is mandatory for the students to carry these Authorization Card for all Saturday Activities (Remedial Classes, Excellence Classes, and Sports Activities) and for any other Training Sessions.
- Students must wear School Uniform whenever they come to school.
- The student will be handed over to the Parents/ Guardian on showing the Authorization Card only.
(u) Late Arrival:
- Students from Grades1-12 are expected to enter the school premises by 7:50/8:20 am and Grades K1- K2 by 9:00 am/10:00am as per summer/winter timings.
- The school gates will be closed by 8:00 am for Grades 1 -12 and by 9:10 am for Grades K1- K2. Students will not be allowed to enter School and sent back home when they report late after this time.
(v) Early Leave:
- Early leave is not allowed except in extreme emergency.
- Prior approval of the Principal/Vice Principal/ Section in charge is to be taken in case of unavoidable situations only through a written application.
(w) Water Bottle and Accessories:
- Students are not allowed to carry steel water bottles to school as these are heavy and hazardous.
- Students are not allowed to wear any steel kada/jewellery to school.
(x) Medical Conditions:
- A student feeling unwell should be allowed to recover at home and not sent to school.
- An application for the same to be mailed to the School at: info@kotharischool.edu.in, the same day. Or to be sent with the student when he/she joins back.
- In case, a student feels unwell at school and is required to be sent back home, the parent will be contacted and the student will be handed over only on showing valid Authorization Card.
(y) Restriction on Entry to School:
- No visitor is allowed to carry Arms, ammunitions etc. to school that may pose threat to the security of the students. The person carrying the above may be asked to vacate the premises immediately.
(z) Photography & Videography:
- Photography and Videography is prohibited within the school premises henceforth, by anyone other than an authorized school deputed person.