Title- National Education policy 2020
Resource person: Usha Diptivilas,Shalini Chauhan
Attended by:
The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 is a comprehensive framework to guide the development of education in our country. In school education, the policy focuses on overhauling the curriculum, making board exams easier, reducing the syllabus to retain “core essentials”, and emphasizing experiential learning and critical thinking. As the Principal of Kothari International School, Noida, I am pleased to report that a workshop on NEP 2020 was conducted on 22nd March 2023, organized and hosted by the Learning Together PD Cell of our school. The purpose of the workshop was to mentor our teachers about the working model of NEP 2020 and strengthen the existing practices at the middle school level.
The workshop was held from 9:30 A.M to 4:30 P.M and began with our school’s tradition of lamp lighting ceremony, followed by a welcome note, and introduction of the eminent resource persons. Ms. Usha Diptivilas, who has a teaching experience of almost 25 years, was one of the resource persons for the workshop. She is the Headmistress of DPS East of Kailash and has taken up training sessions for DPS teachers from across the country in the teaching of drama, poetry, and grammar. Ms. Shalini Chauhan, the second resource person, is a Headmistress at The Wisdom Tree, a teacher trainer, and an academic researcher with 17 years of experience in education.
The workshop emphasized adapting different teaching styles along with the need to adopt an interdisciplinary approach in the classroom to provide children with experiential learning and critical thinking skills. Ms. Shalini began the workshop by giving a brief introduction about NEP and engaging all the participants in group activities for better collaboration and effective participation. The resource persons further discussed Teacher Education, Equitable and Inclusive Education where she discussed important themes like recruitment and deployment, special educators, approach to teacher education, and so forth. Teachers were constantly encouraged to engage in the session and put forward their insights about the topics. Ms. Usha Diptivilas further explained efficient resourcing and effective governance through school complexes/clusters and higher education.
The workshop was summarized with discussions on the implementation of NEP 2020 and the road map for implementation. After the workshop was completed, a feedback form and assessment paper were distributed. Teacher participants were given time to fill in the assessment paper to evaluate their learning. After the completion of the assessment, we proposed a vote of thanks and presented planters to the resource persons. Finally, participants were called out on the stage one by one and CBSE certificates were distributed to them.
The workshop was very enriching and informative. Our teachers had an enlightening session that strengthened their knowledge and vision of NEP 2020. They were filled with new zeal to start working on its implementation in their own spheres. We are grateful to the resource persons for sharing their expertise and to CBSE for organizing such an insightful workshop.
Title- Digital Infrastructure for knowledge sharing
Resource person:DIKSHA
Attended by: All teaching staff members
Staff members were given a refresher training about how to improve teaching learning experiences through usage of Digital tools.
Title- Stress Management
Resource person: Dr Mrinalini Anant
Attended by: Selected staff members
You can’t always control what goes on outside, but you can always control what troubles you within. In today’s competitive world where everything operates on a global basis it is hard to cope with the pressure both on the professional and social front. As the Principal of Kothari International School, Noida, I am pleased to report that a workshop on Stress Management was conducted on 11th April 2023, organized and hosted by the Learning Together PD Cell of our school. The purpose of the workshop was to mentor teachers who attended the workshop about stress and how to cope up with it in today’s times.
The workshop was held from 9:30 A.M to 4:30 P.M and began with our school’s tradition of lamp lighting ceremony, followed by a welcome note, and introduction of the eminent resource persons. Dr. Mrinalini Anant, currently working as a principal in MG World Vision School, Muzzafarnagar. She has a teaching experience of about 19 years. She is also a British Council school ambassador for the northern zone and mentoring the underprivileged girls through British council project. She has a wealth of experience in the field of education and has handled various major assignments throughout her career. She has worked with CBSE, NTA and have successfully run skills centers and entrepreneurship projects. Additionally, she has shown impressive results in AISSE and AISSCE exams and have been commended by the board and the HR minister. She has also been deputed as an observer, resource person and committee member for CBSE. Furthermore, she has organized various academic, cultural and co-curricular activities, including debates, declamation contest, plays and ballets.
The workshop emphasized on what is stress and various myths about stress. The resource person also discussed about various sources of stress that results in anxiety and tension. The resource person made sure it was an interactive session and all the teachers were actively participating in the discussion. She further discussed about stress management and techniques that can be used in stressful situations. Techniques to cope up from long term and short term stress were also discussed. The resource person also showed videos and short films related to the topic.
The workshop was summarized with discussions on happy school curriculum and positive mindful mantras. After the workshop was completed, a feedback form and assessment paper were distributed. Teacher participants were given time to fill in the assessment paper to evaluate their learning. After the completion of the assessment, we proposed a vote of thanks and presented planters to the resource persons. Finally, participants were called out on the stage one by one and CBSE certificates were distributed to them.
The workshop was very enriching and informative. Our teachers had an enlightening session that strengthened their knowledge and vision of stress management. The session gave the teachers an opportunity to learn how to manage stress in their daily lives. The seminar concluded with a big smile on the faces of teachers and with a promise to deal with stress in a positive way. We are grateful to the resource persons for sharing their expertise and to CBSE for organizing such an insightful workshop.

Title- Yoga and basic fitness
Resource person: Ms. Saloni Goel
Attended by: K1-3
We are proud to announce that the Professional Development Cell of Kothari International School- Learning Together organized a series of workshops today marking the first day of the PD program for staff members. The first workshop for the day was held by the sports team of the school who took a yoga session with great dedication. The teachers participated with full interest, enthusiasm and eagerness. The session began by seeking the blessings of the Almighty by chanting the Gayatri Mantra. Asanas started with warming up and stretching. Exercises for relieving stress, reducing joint pain and enhancing the flexibility of the back were also done for the benefit of the teachers. The session was extremely intriguing.

Title- Handling Difficult Classroom Situations
Resource person: Ms Anusha Tyagi
Attended by: K1-3
The topic for the workshop was “Handling Difficult Classroom Situations” The session was led by respectable resource person Ms. Anusha Tyagi who covered several important topics related to challenging behavior in the class, managing and helping the students and ways to overcome challenges faced by teachers in a classroom. The workshop was an interactive session and all the teacher participants actively participated in the session. It is essential to educate and empower teachers so that they create and shape a classroom environment conducive to learning.

Workshop 6
Title- Understanding Emotions and Emotional Intelligence
Resource person: Mr. Rohan Das
Attended by: K1-5
The last session for the day was a highly informative workshop on the topic, “Understanding Emotions and Emotional Intelligence”. The session was led by our esteemed resource person Mr. Rohan Das who covered several important topics such as understanding one’s own emotion and the emotion of others, knowledge of emotional patterns, child and emotional well being. The workshop was an interactive session and all the teacher participants actively participated and learned about the importance of self awareness, emotional intelligence, self regulation and empathy. It is essential to educate and empower teachers about this. We hope the workshop was enriching and educative for everyone who attended it.

Title-Abacus and Brain Gym
Resource person: Mr Rajesh Chaddah
Attended by: K1-5
Abacus and Brain Gym". The session was led by Mr. Rajesh Chaddha and his team from SIP Academy. The session was highly intriguing where various activities were carried out including brain gym exercises, techniques of using an abacus and interactive question and answer session for the teachers.

Resource person: Ms. Shweta
Attended by: K1-5
We are proud to announce that the Professional Development Cell of Kothari International School- Learning Together organized two workshops on 24th May marking the third day of the PD program for staff members. The first workshop was a Zumba session for the teachers. The session was led by Ms. Shweta. The session was extremely energetic and zestful. It was a super fun class with great music and amazing moves by our teachers.
Workshop 9Month-May
Title-Meditation and Managing Stress
Resource person: Ms. Nivedita
Attended by: K1-5
We are proud to announce that the Professional Development Cell of Kothari International School- Learning Together organized a workshop. The workshop focused on the benefits of meditation in day to day life. The resource person organized a meditation session for all the teachers which proved to be extremely relaxing ans satisfying.
She also focused on how to manage stress and promote healthier and stressful lifestyle.
Title-Tip Tap Toe
Resource person: Ms. Rashmy Jaiswal
Attended by: K1-8
We are thrilled to share that the Professional Development Cell of Kothari International School- Learning Together organized two engaging workshops on 25th May for the staff members. The first workshop was led by Ms. Rashmi, coordinator of the dance team of Kothari International school. The workshop consisted of dance challenges, exercises and body stretching, along with learning an original choreography on a song. It was a power-packed session, where learning happened in an enjoyable manner.

Title-Cardiac Awareness
Resource person: Ms. Shracha Agarwal
Attended by: K1-8
We are thrilled to share that the Professional Development Cell of Kothari International School- Learning Together organized two engaging workshops on 25th May for the staff members. The second session for the day was led by Ms. Shracha Agarwal and her team from Fortis healthcare. The topic for the workshop was " Cardiac Awareness". The workshop was extremely educational and informative. Important topics like cardiac arrest, CPR, heart health were discussed. Activities were carried out which trained teachers to give CPR.

Title-Inclusive Education
Resource person: Team Rainbow
Attended by: K1-8
We are proud to share that the Professional Development Cell of Kothari International School- Learning Together organized a workshop on 26th May. This highly informative session was led by the Rainbow Department of the school. The topic for the workshop was "Inclusive Education". The session was incredibly educational and interactive. Important topics like NEP guidelines for inclusive education, composition of a classroom, labelling/ diagnosis etc were thoroughly discussed. Role plays and experiential learning activities were carried out for better understanding and knowledge of inclusion. The workshop was indeed an eye opener for a lot of teachers. Overall, the session proved to be incredibly helpful.
Workshop 13Month-May
Title-Application of Basic Counselling Skills
Resource person: Ms. Anuna
Attended by: K1-8
We are thrilled to share that the Professional Development Cell of Kothari International School- Learning Together organized two engaging workshops on 29th May for the staff members. The first workshop was led by Ms. Anuna from Fortis healthcare. The topic for the workshop was "Application of basic counseling skills". The resource person discussed various important topics such as characteristics of an effective counselor, the ABC model of emotions, common psychiatrist conditions and important signs to watch out for. The session was very informative and educative.

Title-Time Management
Resource person: Dr. Sangeeta Arora
Attended by: K1-8
We are thrilled to share that the Professional Development Cell of Kothari International School- Learning Together organized two engaging workshops on 29th May for the staff members. The second session for the day was led by our very own Dr. Sangeeta Arora, principal, Kothari International School. The topic for the session was "Time Management". The session was very fruitful and engaging. Activities were carried out during the workshop focussing on the importance of time management. It was a very crucial and conducive workshop.

Title-Working with Excel
Resource person: Mr. Manish Seksaria
Attended by: K1-12
We are pleased to share that the Professional Development Cell of Kothari International School- Learning Together organized an engaging workshop on 30th May for the staff members. This highly educative workshop was led by Mr. Manish Seksaria, Vice principal of Kothari International School. The topic for the workshop was "Working with Excel Sheets". Teachers were told to carry laptops for better learning. Beginning with a brief introduction of MS-EXCEL and its importance in data handling, Mr. Manish introduced the use of functions like sum, average, product, division, max, min, text functions and various ways of formatting the entered data, explaining lucidly with the help of the dataset he had shared with the teachers.

Title-Stress Management
Resource person: Bhrama Kumaris
Attended by: K1-12
We are thrilled to share that the Professional Development Cell of Kothari International School- Learning Together organized an engaging workshop on 31st May for the staff members. The workshop was led by Sister Renu from Brahma Kumaris Centre. The topic for the workshop was "Stress Management". Stress management techniques were discussed which can teach an individual healthier ways to cope with stress, help reduce its harmful effects, and prevent stress from spiraling out of control in the future. This will therefore, enable all to maintain life’s quality and vitality. The session was inspiring as it enabled the teachers to learn how to control and reduce stress, thereby uplift themselves with positive thoughts.

Title-21st century skills for classroom
Resource person: Ms.Chandeep Marwah
Attended by: K1-12
We are thrilled to share that the Professional Development Cell of Kothari International School- Learning Together organized an engaging workshop on 30th June 2023. The workshop was led by Chandeep Marwah who is an educator-communicator with specialization in group communication. The topic for the workshop was "21st Century Skills for Classroom". Many students worldwide are being exposed to a plethora of educational avenues and career options. Therefore, this requires teachers in the 21st century to be well equipped with the knowledge and skills to provide support and assistance for their students. Our resource person emphasised on various techniques that can be used in the classroom.

Title-Seminar on International Perspective on Inclusive Education
Resource person: Mr. Zeno
Attended by: Rainbow Department
We are thrilled to share that a one day seminar was organized by the rainbow department of Kothari International School on 5 th August 2023. We had a special guest
Mr. Zeno van der Zaim from Netherlands. He is a Special Educator working in the field of from past 12 years. He is a teacher in general economics, business economics,social sciences, informatics and physics.
Another guest for the seminar was Ms. Dolly Bhasin, an Innovator and a knowledge entrepreneur and Founder of SmartEdge, a platform for innovators for experiential learning and technology innovation.
Following the school’s tradition the guest were welcomed with a tilak ceremony followed by the gathering of special educators and guest in the conference hall. Our Principal Dr.
Sangeeta Arora warmly welcomed the guests and had a detailed discussion about
inclusion and diversity.
The meeting began shortly after all the special educators and special needs trainers gathered in the conference hall. Mr. Zeno discussed about main characteristics of children with autism and also spoke about various strategies and methodologies used for children with autism.
The main objective of the seminar was to discuss about artificial intelligence and its importance in the field of special education. Mr. Zeno in collaboration with Ms. Dolly Bhasin has developed a device named smart communicator which is an alternative mothod of communication. This device has a speaker and it allows you to ask questions regarding the needs and strategies for children with autism. It is an extremely smartdevice that can identify any language and reply in your desired language. Mr. Zeno also gave us demonstrations of how the device can be used. The device smartly gave all the answers to the questions asked to it. Mr. Zeno also explained how it works. The workshop was then summarized and pros and cons of the device were discussed too.Mr. Zeno and team also went for the school tour led by Ms. Aksi Naqvi and Mr. Gaurav Saxena. It was a very enriching and informative session. Some interesting aspects and perspectives were discussed with a lot of examples relatable to everyone’s daily life which enthralled the educators with inquisitiveness and motivated us all.

Title-Math Workshop
Resource person: Dr. Anup Kumar Rajput
Attended by: Math Department and subject in-charges from K1-3 and Rainbow Department
We are thrilled to share that the Learning Together Cell of Kothari International School, Noida hosted an enriching Math Workshop on Saturday, September 30th, 2023, featuring renowned resource person Dr. Anup Kumar Rajput, Professor of
Mathematics at NCERT. Our Principal Dr. Sangeeta Arora warmly welcomed the guest.
The workshop was attended by teachers from the math department of the school.
Dr. Rajput shared innovative teaching strategies, emphasizing child-centered and creative lesson planning, making math an enjoyable experience for students, and fostering strong foundational skills. Teachers left inspired and equipped to enhance young minds' mathematical journeys!
A core theme of the workshop was building strong foundational skills in math from an early age. Dr. Rajput's wisdom left our teachers inspired and well equipped to nurture mathematical excellence in our students. His methods promised to transform the subject from daunting to delightful, making math an adventure to look forward to!
We extend our heartfelt thanks to Dr. Rajput and salute our dedicated teachers for their unwavering commitment to shaping bright mathematical futures.

Resource person: CBSE
Attended by: Priti Sharma
A workshop on Accountancy Subject Specific Training was conducted by the renowned facilitator Mr. Harvinder Singh along with Mr. Naresh Bhardwaj at Mayoor School, Noida on
20 th October and 21 st October . The workshop was attended by PGT Accountancy teachers from different schools mentoring Grades XI and XII. The primary purpose of the workshop was to apprise the teachers of the latest CBSE syllabus, along with an extensive discussion on the topics of Accountancy. The highly motivated group of teachers had an in-depth discussion on Accountancy and ways of adopting strategies to motivate the young minds. Teachers were given various activities and solved the given questions which aided their understanding in the subject topics.
The session also had an extensive discussion on various teaching methods of Accountancy. Detailed analysis was done of each topic from Accountancy Textbook of Grade XI and XII. A thorough discussion was held on Accountancy Project file and changes made in Practicals and answer sheets in upcoming board examination i.e. 2023-24.
Mr.Singh shared details on most common queries/doubts of students in Accountancy and shared various ingenious tools as effective learning aids for students. These were aimed at creating visual impact in the subject by showing short videos relating to the topic. The teachers were also guided on how to instill the art of framing answer and presenting the questions in answer sheets among the students.
It was highly enriching experience for the teachers who took back with them invaluable inputs that would facilitate them to make their Accountancy classes more meaningful and effective.
We had a wonderful session with Mr. Singh and Mr. Naresh, and it came to an end where he solved the queries asked by various educators.
Title- Political Science
Resource person: CBSE
Attended by: Dipti Chawla
A two-day Political Science Capacity Building Program was conducted by CBSE at The Manthan School, Greater Noida West on Saturday and Sunday, 28 and 29 October 2023. I got an opportunity to attend this prestigious program. The experienced resource persons Mr. Madan Sawhney and Dr. Anju Mehrotra threw light on various issues and eroded ambiguities.
The following are the takeaways from the workshop:
1. Happy teachers create happy classrooms where happy students learn happily. So, let’s stay happy always.
2. We all are living in a VUCA negative (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) world. It is the responsibility of the teachers to convert it into a positive (Versatile, Understanding, Collaborative, and Adaptive) world. This can be done through team-building activities where we must focus on the sharpening of life skills.
3. The ‘Three Minute Test’ activity was conducted to focus on the importance of reading.
4. ‘Your year is known for…….’ Activity filled the conference hall with positive energy for further learning. It can easily be used in the classroom too.
5. The difference between political science and politics was explained with various examples. Political Science is a discipline and politics implies it in practice.
6. The Grade 12 Syllabus was discussed in detail with the distribution of marks.
7. The blueprint of the question paper was explained.
8. The typology and target of questions were explained. Now 40% of questions would be competency-based.
9. The question paper will comprise…20% difficulty level, 50% average level, and 30% easy level.
10. Various methods of teaching Political Science-Interactive, Deductive, Enquiry, Problem Solving, Field Study Survey, Project, and Inductive- were discussed.
11. Blended Learning, Flipped Learning, Newspaper Reading, Blog Writing, etc. methodologies were also explained.
12. The difference between questions and test items was informed. The question has no syllabus while the test item has a specific syllabus. At the same time, questions are among the known people while the test items are for different people and these have only one answer.
13. With the help of the revised Bloom’s Taxonomy, the practice of question framing was done on the basis of various stages like remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating.
Title- Unified Sports by SO Bharat
Resource person: Resource Team from Special Olympics Bharat
Attended by: Rainbow Department and IALP students
Special Olympic bharat (report) On the 18th of October 2023, learning together cell of KIS, welcomed the Special Olympics Bharat team for an enriching workshop. This collaborative effort, led by Pranshu Sharma and his resource team, aimed at fostering a culture of inclusion and unity. The day's agenda was packed with insightful sessions, including Unified Sports and recreational activities, an orientation about Special Olympics Bharat, and an exploration of the concept of Unified Events. The Unified Youth Club was introduced to encourage active participation. The day concluded with a reflective session and an engaging Q&A, which left a lasting impact. this workshop embodied the power of inclusivity and diversity. Kothari International School extends its gratitude to Special Olympics Bharat for this enlightening experience, symbolizing our commitment to an inclusive world.
Workshop 23Month-October
Title- Habilitating Children with Special Needs
Resource person: The Neuroaid & Research Foundation (NRF)
Attended by: Swapna Gaur,Zubia Mukhtar
On 14th October 2024, The Neuroaid & Research Foundation (NRF) organized a fruitful workshop for Special Educators and councellors at Apollo Hospital, Sarita Vihar. The topic for the workshop was Habilitating Children with Special Needs. Resorce persons from various fields like, medical, Speech Therapists, Occupational therapists etc spoke about various challenges and difficulties faced by children with special needs. They also explained about how we can accommodate and habilitate children with special needs. The session was extremely knowlegable and beneficial.
Title- Web applications
Resource person: Ms Hema Dhingra, Ms Ruchi Mehra
Attended by: Pawani Battula
The workshop began by going through the Class 11 Curriculum explaining the main focus of the program includes the various ways of teaching the curriculum in an interactive mode and alternatives for the outdated softwares. After each topic There were small quizzes which are made using platforms Quizziz and Kahoot. During the explanation of Class 12 curriculum, teachers have expressed their challenges about the outdated topics which include obsolete softwares . The resource persons assured us that the curriculum will be revisited after taking valuable feedbacks from the session. They have also shown sample practical files, projects made by their own students at the end of the session. All the teachers have submitted their inputs about the present curriculum via Google form sent by Deputy Secretary CBSE. Take aways from the workshop The ideas and tips of how to make teaching webapplication topics in interesting way irresp;ective of the challenges in the syllabus. The ideas for website projects were outstanding

Title- Vedic Maths Workshop
Resource person: Mr. Maruti
Attended by: All teachers teaching maths and Rainbow team
A workshop on Vedic Maths was held at Kothari International School, Noida on 22 nd November, 23 in the conference room of the school which aimed to equip Mathematics teachers from grades K1 to 8 with innovative techniques to enhance their teaching methodologies.
Teachers from various grades, ranging from K1 to 12, participated in the workshop, creating a dynamic mix of experiences and expertise. Renowned Vedic Maths expert, Mr. Maruti J.K.Sharma, served as the resource person. His profound knowledge and engaging teaching style captivated the audience, making the workshop both informative and enjoyable.The workshop delved into various tricks and techniques derived from Vedic Maths, emphasizing mental calculations, speed, and accuracy. Teachers were introduced to methods that could be incorporated into their daily lessons to make learning more engaging for students. Practical sessions allowed teachers to actively engage with the Vedic Maths techniques. This hands-on approach fostered a deeper understanding of the methods, enabling teachers to implement them effectively in their classrooms. The workshop encouraged open discussions, enabling teachers to share their experiences and ideas on incorporating Vedic Maths into the existing curriculum. This collaborative environment promoted a sense of community among the educators.
Overall, the Vedic Maths workshop at Kothari International School proved to be a valuable experience for mathematics teachers. It equipped them with practical tools and strategies to make the subject more accessible and engaging for students across different grade levels. The event concluded with a sense of enthusiasm and a commitment among teachers to integrate these newfound skills into their teaching practices.

Title- Blended Learning
Resource person: Ms Mridul Jain
Attended by: K1-3
On 16th December 2023, primary wing teachers of KIS attended the workshop-“ Blended Learning” by Ms.Mridul Jain in the school premises.
The major highlights of the workshop were :
To apprise teachers with sufficient experience of blended learning to develop and test their own Blended Learning designs for learner engagement.
Allowing learners of all abilities the opportunity to advance their studies at the rate that works for them, blended learning enables fast learners to advance more quickly, while struggling students can move at their own pace and get customized support where they're stuck.
Blended Learning is based on the concept of Taittiriya Upanishad- Panck Kosha a hierarchical theory of personality development and critical thinking aiming at the the five sheaths of human personality. In Sanskrit, they are called Annamaya Kosha (food sheath), Pranamaya Kosha (sheath of prana or life), Manomaya Kosha (mind sheath), Vijnanamaya Kosha (knowledge or wisdom sheath), and Anandamaya Kosha (bliss sheath).
The resource person Ms.Mridul Jain, focused on a blended learning model for teachers and students
that would create a truly integrated classroom where the needs of all types of learners can be met. Keeping students engaged, stimulated, and motivated in the following manner:
Experiment with the flipped classroom model. ....
Explore group projects that utilize multimedia tools.
Teachers valued the blended learning model they had looked at and could now experiment with in their own teaching to enhance students motivation and participation, self-learning and teamwork, that would open new forms of interrelation between teachers and students.
Title- Social Studies (Seconday Classes)
Resource person:CBSE
Attended by: Gurpreet Bhatia
CBSE organised a two days workshop training programme on Capacity building program for teacher training in Social Science.
The resource person were Ms Alka Sharma and Mr Dheeraj Singh
The topics discussed were
1. Why use Blooms Taxinomy
2. Lesson Planning
3. Assessment in Social Science
4. Guidelines for developing VSA and SA type.
5. Finally how to create interest in Social Science .
6. Various kinds of activities were conducted to make it an interesting workshop

Title- Story Telling and Pedagogies
Resource person:Dr Jaishree Sethi
Attended by: Primary Teachers
Kothari International School organised a storytelling workshop for teachers on Saturday, 3 rd February. It was conducted by Dr. Jaishree Sethi. Its primary objective was the professional development of the teachers which included enhancement of storytelling skills. The relevance of storytelling as a pedagogy was discussed through interactivedemonstration of voice modulations, usage of props and body language. A group discussion regarding the classroom challenges were highlighted and various solutions were discussed for the same which included the 4 P’s (pause, pitch, pace and projection). Lastly, a task was organised wherein groups of teachers planned and narrated a story in ten minutes and tried to incorporate the useful strategies that were discussed. The workshop ended with key reflections of the task performed by each group. It was an enlightening, informative and productive workshop for the teachers.

Title- Subject Competencies - Science
Resource person:Ms. Manju Gupta
Attended by: Teachers teaching Science
Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” A comprehensive workshop aiming at enhancing the teaching capacity of the faculty in the field of science was conducted by Ms Manju Gupta, the advisor at Kothari International School on Friday, 9th February 2024. The workshop was organized to equip teachers with innovative methodologies, practical strategies, and the latest pedagogical approaches to effectively teach science subjects. The session focused on introducing teachers to modern teaching methodologies such as inquiry-based and project-based learning, and emphasizing their application in science education. The workshop was highly successful in achieving its objectives of enhancing teachers’ capacity in science education. Participants expressed enthusiasm and a renewed sense of confidence in their ability to deliver engaging and effective science lessons. In conclusion, the Science Teaching Workshop for Teacher Capacity Building was instrumental in equipping our faculty with the knowledge and skills to deliver high-quality science education. The insights gained from the workshop will undoubtedly contribute to the continuous improvement of science teaching practices at Kothari International School, ultimately benefiting our students’ learning outcomes.

Title- Financial Planning and Digital tools
Resource person:Mr Atul Aggarwal CBSE
Attended by: Primary Teachers
On the 10th of February 2024, Kothari International School, Noida hosted a comprehensive CBSE workshop on Financial Literacy, skillfully conducted by Mr. Atul Aggarwal. Attended by the dedicated educators of the Primary wing, the workshop aimed at empowering teachers with essential knowledge on financial planning and literacy.
Mr. Aggarwal delved into various facets of financial literacy, enlightening participants on prudent ways of saving, strategic financial planning across different life stages, and the invaluable benefits of investing in life insurance and health policies. Using real-life examples, he elucidated diverse investment strategies, emphasizing the heightened importance of long-term investment strategies in the post-pandemic era.
The session not only motivated attendees toward secure investments but also addressed the pressing issue of personal money management principles. Mr. Aggarwal offered insights on safeguarding against frauds and phishing, equipping the teachers with crucial knowledge to navigate the financial landscape safely.
The workshop proved immensely beneficial, fostering a dynamic interaction where teachers clarified doubts, gained valuable insights into investments, and collectively recognized the paramount importance of prudent earnings management.