Our Grade 3 students took on a mission to become pollution warriors

Environmental Warriors in Action!
Our Grade 3 students took on a mission to become pollution warriors with their hands-on project – the ‘Pollution Catcher’!
In this unique activity, our young minds crafted their very own pollution catcher using simple, everyday items. The goal? To measure the levels of pollutants in their surroundings and understand the impact on our planet.
Through this hands-on experience, we aimed not only to educate but to instill a profound sense of responsibility in our students towards Mother Earth. The ‘Pollution Catcher’ project encourages empathy for all the organisms sharing our beautiful planet, fostering a commitment to environmental stewardship.
Kudos to our Grade 3 stars for taking this step towards a greener, cleaner future! Let’s continue to nurture this awareness, as every small effort contributes to the greater good.