An Enriching Math Workshop at Kothari International School, Noida

We are delighted to announce that the Learning Together Cell at Kothari International School, Noida, organized a highly insightful Math Workshop on Saturday, September 30th, 2023. The event featured the esteemed Dr. Anup Kumar Rajput, Professor of Mathematics at NCERT, as the keynote speaker.
Exploring Innovative Teaching Strategies :
Dr. Rajput captivated the audience with his profound knowledge and innovative teaching strategies. His presentation underscored the importance of child-centered and creatively structured lesson plans, designed to transform mathematics into an enjoyable and engaging experience for our students.
Building Strong Foundational Skills :
One of the key takeaways from this workshop was the emphasis on building robust foundational skills. Dr. Rajput’s insights and guidance have left our educators inspired and well-equipped to guide young minds on their mathematical journeys.
At Kothari International School, Noida, we are committed to providing our students with the best educational experiences, and workshops like these play a vital role in achieving that goal. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue our journey of learning and growth!