At Kothari International School Noida, Independence Day is celebrated with enthusiasm and creativity, especially among the young minds of K2. This year, the students engaged in a meaningful activity that beautifully captured the spirit of freedom. Under the guidance of their teachers, they crafted three-dimensional butterfly brooches, carefully coloring them in the vibrant hues of the Indian flag—saffron, white, and green, with a touch of blue for the Ashoka Chakra.
This hands-on activity not only nurtured their artistic skills but also instilled a deep understanding of the values and symbolism associated with Independence Day. As they colored, teachers narrated inspiring stories of national heroes like Mahatma Gandhi, Bhagat Singh, and Rani Lakshmibai, fostering a sense of pride and connection to the nation’s rich history.
The celebration culminated in a heartwarming moment as each child proudly pinned their colorful butterfly brooch, symbolizing their creativity and the essence of freedom. The day was a perfect blend of education, creativity, and patriotism, leaving a lasting impression on the young minds and reminding them of the importance of August 15th and the values of freedom and unity.