The students of Grade 9 , Shivangi Srivastava (9-A), Diya Biswal (9-B) and Risa Kumar (9-D) accompanied by the faculty Ms Vanya Chadha enthusiastically participated in the CBSE National Adolescent Summit on Life Skills, Mental Health, Safety and Well-being held at National Bal Bhavan from 15-17 December, 2022. Day 1 of the event started with great enthusiasm followed by important announcements for the respective events planned for the day.
On Day 1 of the event, Risa Kumar presented her remarkable views on “My dream school should be child-centric” as a part of the Rhetorics: The Young Orators Championship. Shivangi Srivastava displayed her creative and artistic skills on the painting showcasing “The comparison between the Mental health of adolescents from previous times”, as a part of Utopia: On the Spot Painting.
Day 2 of the event began with an interactive workshop between the students and Teachers Delegates followed by a Sur Taal: Solo Indian Classical Dance event, wherein Diya Biswal showcased a graceful dance performance.
Day 3 of the event was filled with adolescent quizzes, interactive sessions as well as display of talent by the students. It was a three days summit filled with immense learning and exposure for the students. And, the students explored the elegance of Bal Bhavan.
These three days of Adolescent summit served as an enriching experience combined with immense learning and beautiful memories. Further, the students received a certificate for their active participation in the summit. And, we would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our Principal, Dr. Sangeeta Arora and Vice-Principal, Mr. Manish Seksaria for their constant support and guidance.