We are delighted to announce that Ms. Samta Sharma has been honored with the Prestigious SilverZone Performance Excellence Award 2023-24!
This award recognizes her outstanding achievements and remarkable results, made possible under the able leadership and dedication of our Principal, Dr. Sangeeta Arora.
This prestigious recognition is a testament to the exceptional accomplishments of our students and marks another significant milestone in their illustrious journey. We firmly believe that even more deserving accolades and achievements await us on our remarkable journey.

Let’s celebrate a moment of pride and achievement!
Dr. Kamna Kaushik, our esteemed Kathak Teacher at KIS, Noida, has been bestowed with the prestigious Guru Samaan at the Virasat Rashtriya Nrityotsava 2024 held at Rajghat, New Delhi!
Dr. Kaushik’s dedication, passion, and mastery in Kathak have earned her this esteemed recognition, showcasing her profound contribution to the world of dance.
Join us in congratulating Dr. Kamna Kaushik for this well-deserved honor!

We are happy to announce that our esteemed Head of Department for Mathematics, Mr. Sudhanshu Gupta, has been honored with the “Excellence in Fostering Future-Ready Skills” award by LogIQids!
Congratulations, Mr.Sudhanshu Gupta, on this well-deserved recognition! Your efforts in inspiring and empowering our students to excel in mathematics are truly commendable.

Celebrating Excellence in Teaching at Kothari International School, Noida!

A moment of immense pride as we congratulate Mr. Kunal Chauhan, our esteemed Spanish teacher, for his outstanding guidance and mentorship! Under his expert tutelage, students Misha Khanna (6C), Aadrit Ahluwalia (7A), and Sadhika Sharma (9C) showcased brilliance at the Spanish Olympiad India, reaching the Final Round and receiving a token of appreciation.

Mr. Chauhan’s dedication and passion for teaching have not only inspired academic excellence but have also nurtured a spirit of curiosity and learning among our students. His commitment to educational excellence has been recognized with this well-deserved award!

Congratulations, Mr. Kunal Chauhan, for this remarkable achievement! Your guidance continues to shape bright minds and inspire greatness.

Kothari International School Noida is thrilled to announce and congratulate Ms. Pavani Batulla, our stellar computer teacher, on being recognized as the Global CS Ambassador for her groundbreaking work in curriculum innovation!
Ms. Batulla’s passion and creativity have transformed computer education, making it an exciting journey for our students. We are immensely proud of her dedication and the global recognition she brings to our school.
Join us in applauding Ms. Batulla for this well-deserved honor! Your innovation inspires us all!

Our very own faculty member Mr. Sudhanshu Gupta (PGT Mathematics) has been awarded with the certificate of appreciation for his outstanding services in the field of education by Teachers Welfare Association, Western UP (Reg.)

We congratulate him on this splendid achievement and wish him more success in future.