Special Assembly on Republic Day held at Kothari International School began with vigour and gratitude. As comperes, Sana Salman and Shubham Katiyal had set the stage to showcase a wonderful amalgamation of rhetoric, poetry, musical, and dance performances. The sprawling green field of Kothari International School witnessed an enthusiastic response from the audience excited to be a part of the grand Republic Day celebration.
The celebration began with flag hoisting followed by the national anthem. Principal Ma’am’s address to the students was insightful highlighting the importance of the Jai Jawan Jai Kisan slogan once raised by our ex-Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri. Her pride as an Indian was resonated by huge applause from the student audience.
The guiding words of Principal Ma’am paved the way for remarkable vocal music performances and dance performances. Shrish Garg mesmerized the audience by delivering a powerful oratory on freedom that empowers us to attain great heights. Aditi Rana intrigued us by reciting soulful poetry on the importance of the Day. A disciplined march past by NCC, Scouts, and Guides was praiseworthy and inspiring.
The ceremony culminated with announcing awards and trophy winners of Best Overall House, Best Club and Best House Co-scholastic. Stars for December also received their certificates. Nischay House received Best Overall and Shakti House bagged the award for Best Co-scholastic House. International Forum took away the Best Club House. A sunny bright day combined with the rejoicing of the winners left us all with yet another memory of the Great Republic Day Celebration.