Food is symbolic of love when words are inadequate

“Food is symbolic of love when words are inadequate.”
Food is more than just sustenance; it is a language that speaks to our senses and brings people together.
Our little food enthusiasts showcased their passion of cooking by displaying the art of cuisine, by making “Summer Cooler” aka nimboo shikanji using different types of ingredients. They also brought out their creativity by making deserts like – Mango hype, No bake apple pie and peanut butter-banana pudding.
The sweet or sour or different flavors of the cooler’s taste left a lingering taste in the end for everyone who tasted them. Indeed the cooler were irresistible, and one surely could not get enough!
The students served the deserts to their peers and teachers, who devoured the sweets while attempting to stifle their mutual moans of pleasure.