Our K2 students have taken a magical journey with “The Rainbow Fish,” a story that shimmers with the values of sharing and kindness. Inspired by its heartwarming message, our young artists have unleashed their creativity through a special drawing activity.
With crayons, colored pencils, and markers in hand, each child brought their unique vision of the Rainbow Fish to life. Every drawing was a masterpiece, showcasing the individuality and talent of our students.
This art-filled adventure didn’t just enhance their understanding of the story’s moral; it also honed their fine motor skills and artistic abilities. It’s a beautiful reminder of how storytelling and art can illuminate the path to holistic learning.
The Rainbow Fish drawing activity was more than just a success; it was a celebration of creativity, kindness, and the endless possibilities that art brings to education.
Stay tuned for more colorful updates from Kothari International School, where every day is a new canvas for learning!