Janmashtami is a festival which celebrates the birth of Lord Krishna, one of the most loved Gods, whose life continues to be a source of inspiration, solace and happiness to millions. K1 students of Kothari international School celebrated this festival as Krishnaleela A Musical Ballet on September 1st ,2018 with lots of fun and enthusiasm. The school was decorated with marigold flowers and Bal Gopal seated in jhula was the center of attraction for children as well as the parents. Colours and brightness were brought to the occasion with children dressed in fancy clothes resembling mythological characters.The show commenced with the lightning of the lamp followed by an enthralling performance by our tiny tots depicting the life of Lord Krishna -from his miraculous birth, early years, mischievous childhood, to the culmination as Dashavtar.Parents were mesmerized by the theatrical performance of the children; whether it was the dance, Krishna as a savior or Krishna fighting Kaalianaag. The narrators of the event were no less than any of the characters; they kept the audience informed and the show moving. It was a marvelous performance and was appreciated by one and all.
PICS OF THE EVENT: https://www.facebook.com/pg/KOTHARISEC50NOIDA/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1780785775504387