Celebrating Dance Excellence: KIS Noida Shines at Nrutyabharti

Celebrating Dance Excellence: KIS Noida Shines at Nrutyabharti National Dance Festival 2024!
We’re bursting with pride to share the incredible achievements of our talented students at the “Nrutyabharti” All India 12th National Dance Festival 2024 in Pune, Maharashtra!
Against stiff competition with 135 participants, our students showcased unparalleled talent and dedication, leaving an indelible mark:
Aadhya Bhatnagar secured 2nd position in the solo Bharatanatyam category.
Vaidehi Chaudhary and Aadhya Bhatnagar achieved 3rd position in the Bharatanatyam duet dance category.
Their remarkable performances stood out amidst a sea of talent, reflecting their commitment and passion for the art of dance!
Congratulations to Aadhya, Vaidehi, and all our dancers for this outstanding success!
Your achievements bring honor to Kothari International School, Noida, and inspire us all to reach greater heights! Let’s continue to dance our way to excellence!