We are dedicated to promoting a reading culture and nurturing

At Kothari International School, Noida, we are dedicated to promoting a reading culture and nurturing literary skills among our students. This commitment led us to participate in the National Young Authors’ Fair (NYAF) 2023, the world’s largest online book writing competition. This unique opportunity allowed our students to write, publish, and promote their books using the Gen-AI powered platform of Bribooks, transforming their imagination into published stories.
Presented by Education World & BriBooks and powered by The Times of India (Times NIE), NYAF 2023 was not just a competition but a celebration of creativity, innovation, and the power of storytelling. Through this platform, we provided a transformative experience for our students, equipping them with skills, confidence, and determination to pursue their literary dreams.
We are thrilled to announce that Avika Srivastava of Grade 1F has achieved the prestigious ‘Best-Selling Young Author of State Certificate’ for her heartfelt book, “I MISS MY GRANDPARENTS.” Avika, now promoted to Grade 2, has beautifully penned her emotions and memories of her grandparents, whom she never met but cherishes through pictures and stories shared by her parents. Her book ends with a poignant plea to all readers: “Please give your time, love, care, and respect to your grandparents until the last moment until you lose them.”
Avika’s achievement not only highlights her literary talent but also her entrepreneurial spirit. Her success is a testament to the supportive and nurturing environment at Kothari International School.
Congratulations, Avika! We are incredibly proud of your remarkable achievement and look forward to seeing more of your literary creations in the future!