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With ordinary talent and extraordinary perseverance, all things are attainable. When you
exercise your talents, they multiply. To unleash the latent talent and hidden reservoir of
organisational skill of our young Kotharians, we conceptualised this mega event the ‘Shri M M
Kothari STEAM Quest, Ingenious - 2022’.
The holding of the FEST is an endeavor to initiate the collaborative working of students.
The platform launched, is a dream actualized by the leaders of Kothari International School. Students have worked tirelessly from the very inception of the concept. They have envisioned, conceived, created and will now execute the entire Fest on their ‘own steam’ with Teachers guiding them where needed .
The ‘Shri M M Kothari STEAM Quest, Ingenious - 2022’ is a mega FEST with an array of events/ activities to challenge every aspect of a growing child. The Fest includes Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics. This Event will give wings and flight to creativity, innovation and skill. As the Core Team, we believe that no talent can ever be eclipsed. We are united in our endeavour and resolve to give full support to our young leaders in their undaunting effort to make this FEST a success story.
We wait with bated breath, to witness every participant achieve a milestone, the memory of which will inspire and motivate them for the next. We are beyond impressed with the sheer dynamism, drive and dedication of our ‘ingenious’ students as they display their energy and enthusiasm in organizing this event.
The platform launched, is a dream actualized by the leaders of Kothari International School. Students have worked tirelessly from the very inception of the concept. They have envisioned, conceived, created and will now execute the entire Fest on their ‘own steam’ with Teachers guiding them where needed .
The ‘Shri M M Kothari STEAM Quest, Ingenious - 2022’ is a mega FEST with an array of events/ activities to challenge every aspect of a growing child. The Fest includes Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics. This Event will give wings and flight to creativity, innovation and skill. As the Core Team, we believe that no talent can ever be eclipsed. We are united in our endeavour and resolve to give full support to our young leaders in their undaunting effort to make this FEST a success story.
We wait with bated breath, to witness every participant achieve a milestone, the memory of which will inspire and motivate them for the next. We are beyond impressed with the sheer dynamism, drive and dedication of our ‘ingenious’ students as they display their energy and enthusiasm in organizing this event.

It gives me immense pleasure to know this hallowed institution is raising the bar yet again with
the announcement of the ‘Shri M M Kothari STEAM Quest, Ingenious - 2022’, an Inter-School
Technical, Linguistic, Cultural and Academic Festival that celebrates – Science, Technology,
Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics – enough to power the engine of all its participants
with the requisite energy and gusto. STEAM also empowers our ‘ingenious’ and prospective
unicorns to see the light of the day with advertising its special E-Commerce forum, an initiative
that will ignite fiery thought-processes that will spur the economic charts of the country.
And to know that it is happening in July, that special month of the year when we celebrate
Founder’s Day, in memory of Shri M.M. Kothari, our Beloved Babuji, Honourable Founder of this
esteemed institution, that one towering personality who stood head and shoulders above the
rest in terms of a vision that he dreamt of, a vision that continues to fuel each inmate of the KIS
fraternity, a vision that has stood the test of time in terms of an all-round growth of its young
citizens, ensuring that no latent talent goes unnoticed, no budding desire gets extinguished, no
willing mind and spirit is discouraged, then one can only sit back in humility and gratitude at our
Founder’s vision.
‘Shri M M Kothari STEAM Quest, Ingenious - 2022’, intends to provide a robust platform for a
myriad range of infinite talent. Three cheers for that!
“There is a force more powerful than steam and electricity: the will.”
On this note, my BEST WISHES and BLESSINGS to TEAM KIS!!
Warm regards
Arti Kothari

“Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom.”
--Oprah Winfrey
It is a matter of great delight and immense satisfaction to note that Kothari International School has embarked upon this exciting journey of Inter-School Competitiveness by firing one of the first salvos this Academic Session, the 'Shri M M Kothari STEAM Quest, Ingenious - 2022', that will test the Inter-Disciplinary Excellence and preparedness of its fellow competitors in the Field of Education and Learning. What this Festival-de-Coup - STEAM strives to do is to ignite the Scientific and Technological temper of young India as also fan their Engineering, Artistic and Mathematical skills to the core. Surely success will be ours when we aim to provide equal and effective opportunities of active collaboration, aspire for an all-round holistic development of the children, sharpen their critical, logical and analytical thinking, polish their managerial acumen and drill into them a business sense of mind. Over and above all of this, ingrain in them a sense of healthy competition that doesn’t disintegrate into winning at all costs. Also what stands out like an oasis in this desert of cut-throat rivalries is the fact the Students of the Host School will not be descending upon this heated arena like warring warriors but as peaceful participants who will taste the flavour of the dish but never to satiate their yearning to score a bull’s eye. When the 'Shri M M Kothari STEAM Quest, Ingenious - 2022' , intends to provide a never-before experience to all, then to Team KIS I say, stride confidently and march on.
--Oprah Winfrey
It is a matter of great delight and immense satisfaction to note that Kothari International School has embarked upon this exciting journey of Inter-School Competitiveness by firing one of the first salvos this Academic Session, the 'Shri M M Kothari STEAM Quest, Ingenious - 2022', that will test the Inter-Disciplinary Excellence and preparedness of its fellow competitors in the Field of Education and Learning. What this Festival-de-Coup - STEAM strives to do is to ignite the Scientific and Technological temper of young India as also fan their Engineering, Artistic and Mathematical skills to the core. Surely success will be ours when we aim to provide equal and effective opportunities of active collaboration, aspire for an all-round holistic development of the children, sharpen their critical, logical and analytical thinking, polish their managerial acumen and drill into them a business sense of mind. Over and above all of this, ingrain in them a sense of healthy competition that doesn’t disintegrate into winning at all costs. Also what stands out like an oasis in this desert of cut-throat rivalries is the fact the Students of the Host School will not be descending upon this heated arena like warring warriors but as peaceful participants who will taste the flavour of the dish but never to satiate their yearning to score a bull’s eye. When the 'Shri M M Kothari STEAM Quest, Ingenious - 2022' , intends to provide a never-before experience to all, then to Team KIS I say, stride confidently and march on.
God Bless!! Congratulations KIS and we have only just begun to warm up!!
Warm regards
Deepak Kothari

In the 21st century, empowering our Students to give way to a transformative and revolutionary
future must be the paramount vision of the educational realm. Dwelling in today’s world, we do
not know what or how the future jobs will be; however, it is a pivotal need to educate students
with the skills and the capacity to think out of the box with creative and successful solutions to
surmount the unprecedented times. This is the goal that STEAM Education can effectively
prepare our Students for.
The system of standardized learning has been prevailing in the Indian Education System for
many years. This system does not focus extensively on teaching Students how to solve real
world problems and is not interdisciplinary and collaborative in nature. On the contrary, STEAM
is an Educational Discipline that kindles interest, ignites the embers and results in a lifelong
love of the Arts and the Sciences in Students from the foundational years. The amalgamation
of Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics involve the creative processes
that use inquiry and investigation. Teaching cutting-edge skills will undeniably prepare students
to become innovators in an ever-evolving world, not only for the future of the students
themselves but for the future of the world.
STEAM empowers teachers to employ the experiential learning that entails each of the five
disciplines and fosters an inclusive learning environment in which all students are able to
engage and contribute effectively.
Therefore, we must promote an integrated trans-disciplinary approach of teaching and
learning and to emphasise the same, the school is initiating its first STEAM Inter School Event -
‘Shri M M Kothari STEAM Quest, Ingenious - 2022.’
“Integration is a basic law of life; when we resist it, disintegration is the natural result, both inside and outside of us. Thus, we come to the concept of harmony through integration.” - Norman Cousins
Warm regards
Dr Sangeeta Arora

With the ever-changing world and society, evolution in the field of Education is also paramount.
The STEAM Education not only allows teachers to apply the new methods of teaching through
Project Based Learning but also engages and promotes students to think out of the box and
imbibe these interdisciplinary learning experiences. STEAM Education helps in developing
practical skills. Students develop the capacity to take risks, become resilient problem solvers,
innovate, collaborate and seek creative solutions to real life problems.
‘Shri M M Kothari STEAM Quest, Ingenious - 2022’ is a Student-led Three - Day Mega Event
which will not only host an array of Events based on Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts
and Mathematics but also tap several spaces for Students to rediscover themselves. It will
challenge the technical prowess of the Students and evoke innovation thus reflecting and
defining a revolutionary path breaking process in the Educational System.
Kothari International School has always supported and encouraged a new vision and a
perspective, especially when it originates from our Students. We are more than eager to
implement their vision and help them shape this event to reach unsurpassed heights.
“Finally, never stop learning as it can be tough to thrive in a fast-paced industry. By keeping
your skills sharp, not only will you strengthen your confidence, but your credibility with others
"Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while. That’s because they were able to connect experiences they’ve had and synthesise new things." - Steve Jobs
Warm regards
Manish Seksaria
- No Registration Fee to be paid for any Event
- The Last Date for Registration is 18 July, 2022
- ‘Shri M M Kothari STEAM QUEST, INGENIOUS - 2022’ being an International FEST is open not only to students across India, but also around the world
- A minimum participation by a School in 12 Offline Events and 6 Online Events is mandatory to qualify for the Best School Trophy
- For the Online Participants (the International Participants and the ones from outside the NCR), it is mandatory to participate in a minimum of 6 Online Events to be able to qualify for the Best Online School
- Winning and Participation Certificates will be sent via E-mail
- Participants must wear their ID cards for all the Events. In case of Online Competitions, the Participants must register with their Principal’s Signature on their list
- 'Shri M M Kothari STEAM Quest, Ingenious - 2022’ has a strict Zero Tolerance Policy for any kind of cyber bullying and harassment, vulgarity, plagiarism or use of unparliamentary language. It will not be tolerated and will result in immediate disqualification for the event and for the remainder of the FEST
- Participants must wear their School Uniform for all Events other than those which require costumes which should be appropriate as per the criteria
- In case of participation in more than one Event, it is the responsibility of the participant to ensure that dates and timings do not clash. (The Host School will not be able to make adjustments)
- All decisions by the School Authorities and the Judges will be final and binding
- To promote transparency, all score sheets will be made available to participants on request, after the Closing Ceremony
- Valid details must be entered at the time of Registration. WhatsApp Groups will be created with the numbers provided to use in the forms
- NOTE: In the true KIS spirit, the Host School will participate in the Competition but will not compete for any position
The awarding of points will be as follows
- First Position - 50 points
- Second Position - 30 points
- Third Position - 20 points
- Participation - 10 points
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Registration Link
The Cybernetic SprintC. I. D.
Get... Set... Make
Trials of Wisdom
Game Jam
Iron Out The Issues
Web Design
Picture Perfect
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Registration Link
Drama-LogueJourno's Journey
The Prime Time Debate
The Ultimate Marketeer
Comic Strip
Trick of Eyesight
A Musical Amalgamation
Nukkad Natak
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Registration Link
Escape RootThe Great Mathematics Race
The Divine Proportion

Registration Link Group A
The Cybernetic SprintC. I. D.
Get... Set... Make
Trials of Wisdom
Game Jam
Iron Out The Issues
Web Design
Picture Perfect
Registration Link Group B
Drama-LogueJourno's Journey
The Prime Time Debate
The Ultimate Marketeer
Comic Strip
Trick of Eyesight
A Musical Amalgamation
Nukkad Natak
Registration Link Group C
Escape RootThe Great Mathematics Race
The Divine Proportion