The Teachers and the Students are divided into Four Houses across the School to inculcate a sense of loyalty, team spirit and a healthy competition.
To Greater Heights
Labour With Consistency
Triumph With Truth
For Honour We Strive
1. Each house has a House Incharge, House Teachers, assisted by House Captains and Prefects.
2. Every Student is allotted a House.
3. Several Competitions are conducted on an Inter-House basis. Students prepare and practice their skills before participating in Inter House Competitions.
4. House Uniform is to be worn on the days of Sports Penod/Inter-House activities.
5. List of all Inter House activities are notified in the Year Planner Activities per year/per group.
6. Students are requined to attend all Activity Dermonstration Sessions,
7. Participation is allowed in Four Inter-House Activities to maemize the involvement of at the students.
8.All Round Excellence Trophy is awarded to the House aggregating the highest points mall Co-Scholantic Activities during the Session.